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On December 29th, 2023 the Ministry of Public Works and Communications (MOPC) issued Resolution No. 2218, announcing the five prequalified consortia that will continue participating in the bidding process for Tender 1288 "Call DIPE 01/2023 Prequalification Public Investment Project for the Expansion and Improvement of Route PY01, in the stretch between Cuatro Mojones and Quiindy," covering a distance of 108 km in length (the "Tender").

The Tender is a Public-Private Partnership investment project managed under Law No. 5102/2013 on the "“Promotion of Investment in Public Infrastructure and the Expansion and Improvement of Goods and Services under the State's Responsibility” ("PPP Law") and its regulatory Decree No. 4183/2020.

The next step involves the opening of a competitive dialogue between the prequalified consortia and the MOPC, at which point the parties can discuss the Tender’s documents (e.g., the Terms of Reference, the Contract, among others). It is estimated that this stage will take place in February 2024.

The prequalified consortia are:

  1. Desarrollo Vial al Sur (Sacyr Concesiones S.L. y Ocho A S.A.)
  2. Rutas del Mercosur (Tecnoedil S.A., Alya Constructora S.A., Construpar S.A. y Semisa Infraestructura S.A.)
  3. AG – Tocsa (AG Construções e Serviços S.A. y Tocsa S.A.)
  4. Rutas del Sur (Cointer Concesiones S.L., Azvi S.A.U. y Constructora Heiseke S.A.)
  5. Rutas del Sur (Acciona Concesiones S.L., Rovella Carranza S.A. y Concret Mix S.A.)

To learn more about this project, we invite you to read our previous publications:

Paraguayan government approves expansion and improvement of Route PY01- Section Cuatro Mojones - Quiindy

Prequalification for Route PY01 Project under PPP

To access the bid, please click on the following link: Tender 1288

If you require any additional information, please contact Rodolfo G. Vouga (, Manuel Acevedo (, Lucas Rolón ( or your usual Vouga contact.
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